How Your Brand Behaves

Have you ever posted a bad review? A negative experience? A glowing endorsement? Of course you have because we’re all content creators and the new critic. Smartphones and social media are our slingshots. And easily accessible. It used to be that you had to take out a pen and paper to voice your feedback or send an email. Now it’s as simple as a “like” or a posting on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or Trip Advisor. Our behavior is assessed, measured and shared.

As I said last time, we’re all consumers with extreme expectations. But it’s more than that. We assess companies, services and brands based on how they behave, not just what they do. This emergence of the importance of “how” is subject of a book by Dov Seidman titled How. Why HOW we DO Anything Means Everything. Seidman argues that we’re now being held to a higher standard, people simply expect more from companies, the “what” has become commoditized, it’s how we behave that not only separates but also matters. “The opportunity to outbehave the competition” is what creates enduring value.

We see the same as it relates to how an employer behaves and it’s connection to loyalty, engagement and what gets written on Glassdoor!

It’s no coincidence that brands today speak of purpose rather than positioning. They questions why they exist how they’re going to improve people’s lives.

So challenge yourself to consider how—how you behave as a leader, an employee, a company, a person and your brand.

  • Janet Winkler

    Janet Winkler is Group President of Publicis Healthcare Communications Group. Janet leads a team of inspired professionals who are motivated to drive growth for clients. More than ever that means disrupting the conventional and providing ideas and solutions that leverage technology, insights, data & analytics, and consulting services, and do so in an integrated way.


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