PM360 2023 Trailblazer Awards Consumer Website/Online Initiative Silver Winner Travere Therapeutics and Avalere Health

NAVIgATE IgAN (Travere Therapeutics and Avalere Health)

IgA nephropathy (IgAN) is a rare disease with no cure and limited treatment options. It weakens the kidney’s filters, allowing protein to spill into the urine. Symptoms may include cola-colored, foamy urine, edema, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, back pain, fatigue, and more. Many people have no symptoms, but the silent progression results in permanent kidney damage and eventually requires dialysis or transplant.

The American Kidney Foundation estimates around 60,000 cases of IgAN in the U.S., but awareness is quite low, leaving patients feeling alone and misunderstood.

The NAVIgATE IgAN campaign seeks to provide knowledge, emotional validation, and support to patients and their care partners. The website curates a warm, welcoming community with a beautifully illustrated outdoor theme and a user experience with pronunciation guides and approachable language, encouraging patients to explore.

People have responded enthusiastically to the campaign. It’s generated thousands of monthly website visitors, strong user engagement, and patient opt-ins at well above the anticipated program goal.
