What does it mean to be elite? For us, being elite stands for something. And yes, we mean that literally as our ELITE Awards represent Exceptional Leaders, Innovators, Transformers, and Entrepreneurs, but also figuratively. These elite, our ELITE, stand for greater patient empathy, improved outcomes, better communication, easier medication delivery, breakthrough science, organizational-wide improvements, and so much more. These ELITE stand apart as the best their respective fields have to offer. These ELITE take into consideration each and every one of the various people in healthcare (patients, caregivers, doctors, payers, and more) and work to make their lives a little easier—and hopefully a whole lot better.
The PM360 ELITE 100 represents what it is that makes our industry so great: People who are doing extraordinary things to help improve the lives of other people. And that is perfectly personified in this year’s Uber ELITE, our annual winner who stands out among the very best. Dr. Nina Tandon, CEO of EpiBone, co-founded the world’s first bone reconstruction facility that uses patients’ own cells to grow new bones. It’s a great story, and you can hear Dr. Tandon tell it at this year’s ELITE Awards Party where she will deliver the keynote address.
This year’s celebration is at Manhattan’s posh 230 FIFTH on Tuesday, July 11. In addition to Dr. Tandon, you will also get the chance to meet our other incredible winners. But before you do, take the time and read what it is that makes them ELITE. Because these ELITE are worth looking up to.
The ELITE Awards honors people in the following 18 categories:
Leaders of the Future: Up-and-comers who display the characteristics of an emerging leader.
Entrepreneurs: Visionary risk-takers who develop new companies to answer unmet needs.
Transformational Leaders: People who change the way companies operate.
Talent Acquisition Leader: The industry’s top job recruiters and HR executives.
Patient Advocates: Those who make sure patients’ voices are heard and needs are met.
Disrupters: Fearless individuals who disrupt the status quo to revolutionize the industry.
Mentors: The role models others aspire to emulate.
PR Gurus: Communication experts who are masters at spreading news and good publicity.
Strategists: People with a sixth sense for what works—and the ability to predict what the industry needs to do to remain relevant.
Tech-know Geeks: Innovators who spearhead technological breakthroughs that reshape the industry.
Master Educators: People who revolutionize the way patients/doctors learn and absorb information.
Drug Research and Developers: The scientists, researchers, and clinical trial experts who are moving the industry forward.
Data Miners: Individuals who specialize in analytics and can turn hordes of numbers and research into actionable insight.
Launch Experts: Marketers with significant success in bringing a new drug to market or in revitalizing markets for an older drug.
Digital Crusaders: Those who advance digital channel applications or platforms to transform marketing and/or company operations.
Creative Directors: Marketers known for their daring creative and jealousy-inducing campaigns.
Sales MVPs: Company sales leaders who do an outstanding job of building revenue and nurturing company growth.
Marketing Teams: Teams that have achieved great marketing success together as a group.
The 2017 ELITE Winners
Uber Elite
Nina Tandon, PhD, EpiBone, Inc.
Leaders of the Future
Jim Bernhard, Vertex Pharmaceuticals
Sarah Dobson, Novo Nordisk Inc.
Kunj Gohil, PharmD, RPh, MediMedia Managed Markets, an ICON plc company
Josh John, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Lynn Kirkpatrick, Snow Companies
Evan T. Edwards and Eric S. Edwards, MD, PhD, Kaléo, Inc.
Matthew Schecter, The Lockwood Group
David Schoonmaker and Reide Rosen, D+R LATHIAN
Transformational Leaders
Steve Andrzejewski, Spiritus Pharmaeuticals
Roberto Ascione, Healthware International
Gertjan Bartlema, Celgene Corporation
Danielle Bedard, inVentiv Health
James R. Berger, Takeda Pharmaceuticals U.S.A., Inc.
Susan Flinn Cobian, HYC Health
Jeffrey Dierks, Teva Pharmaceuticals
Didi Discar, Carling Communications
John Keilty, Decibel Therapeutics
Greg Lewis, greyhealth group summit
Steven Michaelson and Judy Capano, Calcium
Denise Strauss, Sunovion Pharmaceuticals
Lorna Weir, Elevate Healthcare
Talent Acquisition Leaders
Leslie Doane, DWA Healthcare Communications Group
Edward Frankel, Omnicom Health Group
Ryan Maglione, inVentiv Health
Deb Stevens, Deb Stevens Consulting, LLC
Matthew C. West, Advice Personnel, Inc.
Patient Advocates
Lisa Emrich, Musician and HealthCentral.com
Andra Stratton, Lipodystrophy United
Mike Veny, HealthCentral and Transforming Stigma
Angelo Campano, Ogilvy CommonHealth Worldwide, part of WPP Health & Wellness
Stephen Cannata, MBA, Iroko Pharmaceuticals LLC
Erica Conroy, PhD, CoverMyMeds
Chris Humphreys, Intouch Solutions
Natalie Mancuso, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Ed Mingle, Celgene
Emil C. Andrusko, RPh, Benchworks
Megan Matakovic, Discovery USA
Victoria Sherriff-Scott, Klick Health
PR Gurus
Gail Cohen, Acorda Therapeutics
Kendra Fanara, Johnson & Johnson
Georgina Rizik, Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH
Victoria Russo, Sunovion Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Tech-know Geeks
August Allen, Recursion Pharmaceuticals
Lisa Flaiz, formerly Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson
Elizabeth Quist and Jonathan Israel, Takeda Pharmaceuticals U.S.A., Inc.
Master Educators
Barbara Blasso, IMsci (International Meetings & Science), a division of ghg
Drug Researcher and Developer
Rick Batycky, PhD, Acorda Therapeutics
Data Miners
Iyiola Obayomi, Ogilvy CommonHealth Worldwide, part of WPP Health & Wellness
Jane Urban, Takeda Pharmaceuticals U.S.A., Inc.
Launch Experts
Mark Bubany, Acadia Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Bernadette Buntin, MS, MBA, Shire
Michael Gaines, Sunovion Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Juniette Kang’a, Clovis Oncology
Walter Son and Renée Marotta, Aralez Pharmaceuticals US Inc.
Digital Crusaders
Richard Black, Astellas Pharma US, Inc.
Larry Brooks, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Rowena Kam-Bergman, inVentiv Health Public Relations Group
Creative Directors
Mike Hodgson, Cambridge BioMarketing
Brent Scholz, Intouch Solutions
Sales MVPs
George Jones, Pernix Therapeutics
Marketing Teams
Cambridge BioMarketing and Intercept Pharmaceuticals Marketing Team
Sunovion Respiratory Marketing Team, Sunovion Pharmaceuticals, Inc.