PM360 2019 Trailblazer Awards Social Media Campaign Winner Allergan and AbelsonTaylor

Unfriend Chronic Migraine (Allergan, AbelsonTaylor)

The migraine conversation was becoming cluttered as a new class called CGRPs (calcitonin gene-related peptides) entered the migraine space. Allergan turned to AbelsonTaylor to clear the air. Many in the migraine healthcare space did not know that Chronic Migraines is a condition (causing regular migraines as well as almost constant headaches) separate from Episodic Migraines. This differentiation was not clear due to CGRPs attempt to broaden the conversation to migraines in general.

In order to overcome these challenges and deliver Allergan’s effective migraine treatments to the right people, AbelsonTaylor had plenty of research to do. What they realized is that women ages 35-54 were the most common sufferers of Chronic Migraines. While they identified migraine days, they did not take stock of how frequently headache days lingered. They usually see a primary care physician or specialist, but grow increasingly frustrated with treatment failures.

Unfriend Chronic Migraine had to enable this specific group to recognize the impact of headache and migraine days, increase Chronic Migraine self-identification, find a headache specialist who is best suited to treat them, and pursue a preventive treatment option that is right for their Chronic Migraine. The campaign anthropomorphizes Chronic Migraine as the “uninvited guest”—her intrusive presence helps people realize just how much Chronic Migraine takes from their lives. She is featured on Facebook ads and My Chronic Migraine Facebook and Instagram pages, where video brings her interruptive nature to life. She threatens to ruin plans, as Chronic Migraine does in real life, as she inserts her sarcastic, insincere comments.

Users are directed to, where they are encouraged to talk to a headache specialist and to sign up to receive information about treatment options, moving into branded treatment. While still young, this campaign promises to reach millions of users, especially those women most often affected by Chronic Migraine.


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