TREMFYA Mixed-Media VR Episodes – LIVE IN MY SKIN (Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Confideo Labs, Xavier Creative House)
Janssen Pharmaceuticals sought to harness immersive multi-media to bolster engagement and drive awareness of its launch product, TREMFYA, a treatment for moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis. Specifically, the brand wanted to educate and inform, while evoking physician empathy, emotion, and sympathy, to demonstrate the impact of 90% clearance and deliver a visual representation of the TREMFYA superior skin clearance and therapeutic longevity data.
To meet this objective, the brand teamed up with Confideo Labs and Xavier Creative House to launch a campaign entitled LIVE IN MY SKIN, which comprised two bold and highly differentiating mixed-media VR videos. Each first-person VR video placed a medical professional IN THE SKIN of a patient with plaque psoriasis. As VR has been dubbed “the empathy engine,” it was the optimal format to viscerally deliver an unparalleled first-hand appreciation of the emotional impact of the disease and the challenges faced daily by patients. Further, as each storyline unfolded, viewers also felt the emotional relief that can be achieved at psoriasis clearance levels such as PASI 90.
Launched at the 2018 American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) conference, the initiative achieved immediate results: “The isolation of the woman—that’s memorable,” said one viewer. “The data is impressive. His skin clearance is great,” remarked another attending medical professional. An on-site survey of nearly 1,000 viewers indicated that 98% of them found the experience meaningful, and 90% stayed engaged in an episode for the duration.
The conference deployment was so successful that the brand then rolled out VR kits, preloaded with the immersive multi-media, to their national field force, and are in production with subsequent VR episodes and ancillary VR content modules which will be added for further engagement, across channels, over time.