Odysseys with Lindsay Merkle

PM360 asked Lindsay Merkle, Director of Client Experience and Development, GoodRx about the place she just can’t stop returning to.

Lindsay loves to start—and end—the day with a run on the beach with her dogs.

My Odyssey: Cannon Beach, Oregon has had a hold on me since I was born. This rugged piece of the Oregon coast got its name in the 1840s when a naval ship wrecked and a cannon washed up on the beach, but it’s now known for being one of the most beautiful places on the West Coast. One of the rare places where evergreen forest meets the ocean, this small but mighty stretch has a unique allure. Even wild coastal storms with sideways sand spray don’t stop us from adventuring out in the rain—we just wear more gear and cuddle up with tea by the fire after we come back.

Lindsay’s nieces, Lucy and Ada, love to play hide and seek in the tall beach grass on the dunes.

My Recommendation: The great hiking along the Ecola State Park; the herds of elk, bald eagles, and puffins nesting in the nearby rocks; and the unique and extreme tideline changes are all awesome to explore. Also, the Kite shop, unique art galleries, Bruce’s Candy Kitchen salt water taffy, and the fish and chips at Bill’s Tavern are do-not-miss spots. Plus, unlike many, this beach still allows dogs to run free, bonfires, and adult beverages, and there is good surf for the intrepid among us (cold cold water).


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