Santen Pharmaceuticals

SANTEN Proactive Glaucoma Surgery


Santen has a global footprint spanning 60 countries, yet is relatively unknown in the U.S. This added a layer of importance to SPLICE’s task of formally launching the Glaucoma Surgical Treatment (GST) campaign at the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) Annual Meeting 2019 in October. The campaign had two main objectives: To drive discussion around unmet needs in glaucoma surgical treatment and to collect registrations for surgeons to receive information and surgical training.

While standing out from the field with a visually striking presence, the Santen booth presented three main executions.

For its waterfall teaser, SPLICE partnered with doctors to find themes that resonated with their peers: Proactive surgery, sustainability, predictability, and device innovation. These themes carried over to a video series of glaucoma surgeon interviews, presented at iPad stations, where doctors shared their perspectives and the viewer was encouraged to consider unmet needs in the community and ask themselves, “Is there something better on the horizon?”

Prior to AAO, SPLICE surveyed doctors and the initial results pre-populated survey responses prominently on display in the booth—the responses were updated in real time as attendees took the same survey on tablets at AAO. The updated results were also reflected on the campaign’s website.


The booth was included on AAO’s Standout Exhibitor Report list, which specifically recognized the U.S. section’s use of interactive presentations and the creative way it encouraged attendees to hear from their peers. The registration goal was successful as well, with 79% of booth visits resulting in a registration, while 69% took the survey.

Agency Team:

Rob Goszkowski, Copywriter
Debi Stoliar & Cesar Karamazov, Art Directors
Allison Myers, Group Account Director
Heather Hazard & James Vieira, Project Management
Janeen Negherbon, Creative Direction


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