PM360 2019 Innovative Startup Komodo Health

Komodo Health

Jessica Cerka, Director of Marketing

Founded in 2014, Komodo Health was established to tackle one of healthcare’s most fundamental challenges: How do we gather and connect the missing links in the fragmented patient journey to better understand disease burden, support earlier interventions, and optimize patient outcomes.

Komodo’s novel approach to building a health data platform brings together the ever-growing volume of disparate healthcare data into a high-resolution, real-time map tracking the encounters people have with the healthcare system. This first-of-its-kind healthcare map tracks the unique patient journeys of more than 320 million patients—adding 15 million new clinical encounters each day from more than 500 sources. Komodo embedded that comprehensive healthcare map into its first product, Aperture, which combines scientific, clinical, and industry data to help clients analyze patterns of care, detailed physician referral histories, and real-world patient data to target their efforts where they will have the greatest impact.

One example of how Aperture is helping clients tackle the burden of disease—Komodo’s work with the Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation. Cholangiocarcinoma is a rare liver cancer that is typically diagnosed in advanced stages because early symptoms often go unnoticed. It also has a notably high mutational burden compared to other tumor types. As such, it needs to be treated by specialized teams of surgeons, oncologists, pathologists, and radiologists, which can be hard to find—particularly since 85% of patients are treated outside of academic medical centers. Working with Komodo, the Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation has been able to create an online specialist finder that has pinpointed 700 such specialists around the country by analyzing diagnosis codes and patterns of referrals between multidisciplinary specialists. The Foundation is also using this geographic targeting capability to drive their physician outreach in “Mutations Matter” education initiatives.


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