PM360 2019 Trailblazer Awards Hematology/Oncology Brand Champion Kayte Lock

Kayte Lock, Director, U.S. Oncology National Customer Group, Pfizer

Cancer takes a toll on patients beyond just what the disease does to the body—the emotional toll cannot be understated. And patients need support beyond medications to fight the disease. That is why Kayte Lock led Pfizer’s “This Is Living With CancerTM,” a unique unbranded program available to anyone in the United States affected by cancer—not just for patients or caregivers using a Pfizer product.

“This Is Living With Cancer” offers patients and caregivers free resources such as the LivingWith app, available for both Apple and Android devices, designed to help take back control of their lives impacted by cancer. Through the app, a patient can connect with loved ones, ask for support for things like transportation or childcare, keep track of important information from doctors’ visits and tests all in one place, and let their circle of support and doctors know how they are feeling by tracking mood, pain, sleep, and steps.

Beyond the app, the website offers stories of inspiration and hope from individuals living with cancer—showcasing how they are living a full life, despite their diagnosis or even prognosis. And the site covers topics that you might not find elsewhere such as nutrition, wellness, and even your rights as a patient. Caregivers and patients can also take a six-question needs assessment that upon completion will give them access to tools that help to build skills around coping, communication, goal setting, and more.

And earlier this year, Kayte and her team launched version 2.0 of the app making improvements to the user experience to allow patients to more easily get a feel for and navigate the app so they too can start taking back a little control of their lives.


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