A Career in Advertising: Why?

I’ve circled the advertising world for my whole career—starting in brand management then starting an insights and brand strategy consultancy and finally now, after 30+ years in the marketing world, I’m fully in. And here are a few observations about a career in this space:

1. It’s a world that will challenge you to think innovatively, daily. You will not be bored. If you are, it’s your fault. Clients don’t want status quo. If they do, you have to inspire them because status quo won’t work in this world of crazy, rapid change.

2. It’s an ideas-based culture. It will bruise your brain and make you think differently. Inertia is not welcomed.

3. It’s creativity of everyone. Creativity doesn’t reside only in the “creative department.” It’s got to be everywhere. But, working with people whose oxygen is fresh thinking, creative expression and who value new is infectious.

4. It teaches leadership. You must lead clients. Period. They can’t think about what you’re responsible to deliver. They’ve got too much else to do. They can’t spend their time thinking about “what’s next?” in consumer engagement. They’ve got too much else to do. You must lead from day 1—even if it’s your first job!

5. It’s about collaboration. If you haven’t heard, collaboration is the new essential to organizations that outperform the market. It’s a necessary skill.

6. It is essentially a human centered business. We don’t make stuff that comes off an assembly line. Our revenue is time and ideas based. That means people are the center of our world. We have to nurture their brains, unleash their hearts and minds and we want to.

And if you get to work in a world of health and well-being like I do, you get to motivate people to an improved lived experience. Not too shabby.


  • Janet Winkler

    Janet Winkler is Group President of Publicis Healthcare Communications Group. Janet leads a team of inspired professionals who are motivated to drive growth for clients. More than ever that means disrupting the conventional and providing ideas and solutions that leverage technology, insights, data & analytics, and consulting services, and do so in an integrated way.


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