PM360 2021 Trailblazer Awards Professional Website/Online Initiative Gold Winner BeyondSpring and Proximyl Health

CIN Risk Disease Awareness (BeyondSpring, Proximyl Health)

Chemotherapy-induced neutropenia (CIN) is a common toxic reaction many patients experience as a result of anti-cancer drugs. It proves to be a major problem for patients in chemotherapy. The dangers of neutropenia are so great that oncologists are often forced to delay or decrease their treatment, even with the use of prophylactic granulocyte colony stimulating factor drugs (G-CSFs). Many oncologists feel this is a necessary evil of chemotherapy and will manage neutropenia when it occurs. But COVID-19 has made the situation even more dangerous as patients are at increased risk of infection, hospitalization due to febrile neutropenia, and life-threatening events.

BeyondSpring, along with agency partner, Proximyl Health, created a robust disease awareness campaign so powerful and arresting that it simply could not be ignored. The teams’ goal was to build awareness among oncologists that BeyondSpring is relentless in its pursuit to deliver ground-breaking solutions for real-world patients who are desperate to fight cancer in a COVID-19 world.

The main goal of the campaign was to drive HCPs’ awareness around the clinical unmet need associated with CIN.


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