PM360 2018 Innovative Service PROACT from CMI/Compas



Jose Ferreira, VP CXM and Data Analytics

With the ultimate goal of moving away from intrusive, “salesy” advertising, CMI/Compas launched the PROACT advertising strategy, combining art and science to reach audiences when they want to be reached with the messages they value—all in a seamless “choose your own adventure” style that feels natural and welcomed by the audience.

PROACT, which stands for Personalized & Responsive Omni-Channel Automated Customer Targeting, breaks down media channel siloes, transitioning from data to insights to action much faster by integrating customer-centric communication and marketing automation. In their three-part strategy, PROACT experts first integrate programmatic multichannel streams (email, direct mail, banners, custom media) of activity and sales data to create seamless, customer-driven experiences. PROACT then assesses all channels and tactical approaches for their ability to drive brand goals so they may develop into a cohesive and flexible series of tactics that react to where customers are in their journey and the information that they need to service their patients. Finally, trained artificial intelligence and predictive insights models make more real-time decisions about marketing and communication streams, while taking into account variable segment, creative drivers, customer needs, and historic experience.

The result is a set of closed-loop and/or open-ended business rules, depending on the needs of the brand, for a media campaign that completely automates media execution and segmentation refinements. On a whole, the PROACT concept is built to finally deliver the right message to the right audience at the right time, by putting the customer at the center of activity. This innovative marketing automation is built to ensure that CMI/Compas clients deliver value to customers in the form of media. So soon after its launch, PROACT is already helping to reorient how the industry thinks about non-personal promotion.


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