PM360 2023 Trailblazer Awards Diabetes/Metabolic Disorders Brand Champion Vivian Chatih

Vivian Chatih, Associate Brand Director – RYBELSUS®, Novo Nordisk Inc.

Glucagon-like peptide (GLP-1) receptor protein treatments like RYBELSUS can help to reduce A1c levels, which if controlled early in type 2 patient journey, may have a long-term impact on minimizing potential complications such as amputation, dialysis, and blindness. However, the percentage of doctors utilizing GLP-1s is very low, due to clinical inertia and lack of awareness of potential GLP-1 benefits to patients.

To change that, Vivian Chatih and her team worked with Bionical Solutions on a customizable disease awareness program. During sales calls, doctors and reps work hand-in-hand to develop posters and tear-off sheets for the physician’s office, waiting room, or exam room. These customizable posters include information to raise patient awareness on type 2 diabetes, what their A1C number means, and how things such as exercising a little more may help lower their A1C. The rep and physician can also develop tear-off sheets for patients that include a QR code that offers additional resources on type 2 diabetes management, carb counting, and more.

Vivian and her team also created an HCP Dialogue Tool, which helps doctors have conversations with patients about starting RYBELSUS. For example, since patients on RYBELSUS start on a 3 mg dose, but have to titrate up to therapeutic doses of 7 mg and 14 mg, this tool includes information about what to expect, what adverse events they might experience, and how to manage them should any occur. Even though this asset has only been in the field a short time, reps have already said it’s one of the best tools they’ve ever seen based on early HCP feedback and their requests for more.


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