ROME (FRONTLINE MEDICAL NEWS) – Patients with rheumatoid arthritis in sustained remission on a biologic drug successfully remained in remission most of the time while gradually stepping down to a longer dosage interval or eventually going off the biologic entirely in a controlled, multicenter French trial with 98 patients followed for 18 months.

The results also showed that while patients who were maintained throughout 18 months on full biologic-drug dosage fared slightly better clinically, the taper-down strategy saved an average 53,417 euro (about $60,000 US) for each quality-adjusted life-year (QALY) decrement caused by the step-down treatment, Dr. Antoine Vanier reported at the European Congress of Rheumatology. The actual decrement in QALYs among the 44 patients randomized to the step-down arm during the 18 month study averaged 0.158 QALYs, compared with the 54 patients maintained on full dose. The actual cost savings over 18 months averaged 8,440 euro (about $9,500 US) per patient, said Dr. Vanier, a rheumatologist and biostatistician at Pierre and Marie Curie University in Paris.

In addition, a numerically larger percentage of patients in the step-down arm, 61%, rated their health status “acceptable,” compared with 44% among those in the maintenance arm, although this difference was not statistically significant.

The Spacing of TNF-blocker Injections in Rheumatoid Arthritis Study ( STRASS ) enrolled adult rheumatoid arthritis patients on subcutaneous treatment with either 40 mg adalimumab ( Humira ) every 14 days or 50 mg etanercept ( Enbrel ) every 7 days for at least a year and who maintained a 28-joint disease activity score (DAS28) of 2.6 or below for at least 6 months and had no radiographic joint progression for at least a year. Patients could be on either monotherapy with one of these biologic drugs or on a stable regimen that also included either methotrexate or leflunomide, and patients could also receive up to 5 mg/day prednisone.

The researchers randomized patients to either maintain their entry regimen or start on a program that serially increased the time between biologic injections every 3 months. The adalimumab dosing interval increased to a 40-mg injection every 21 days, 28 days, 42 days, and then patients who remained in remission with an injection every 42 days for 3 months stopped adalimumab treatment entirely. Among the etanercept patients, the between-dose intervals increased to 10 days, 14 days, 21 days, and then a complete stop. Patients who experienced a flare, with their DAS28 rising above 2.6, returned to a more frequent dosing interval able to lower their DAS28 to 2.6 or less once again and regain remission.

After 18 months, 8 (18%) patients in the step-down arm remained on their entry-dosage interval, 19 (43%) patients maintained remission on a lengthened-dosing interval, 15 (34%) patients completely stopped their biologic, and 2 (5%) patients had left the study. In the maintenance arm, all 54 patients remained in the study and in remission on their entry-dosage schedule.

A majority of the patients in the step-down arm remained on their reduced- or no-dose regimen after the trial completed, noted Dr. Bruno Fautrel , senior investigator of STRASS and professor of rheumatology at Pierre and Marie Curie University, Paris. The researchers have so far not been able to identify any patient-specific features to prospectively identify the patients most likely to successfully undergo biologic step-down, Dr. Fautrel added.

Despite this uncertainty as to which patients are best suited to a step-down strategy, the possibility of successfully stepping-down biologic treatment for most RA patients to save on drug costs without compromising patient outcomes makes it “worth considering” on a case-by-case basis, Dr. Vanier said.

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