PM360 2023 Trailblazer Awards Global Marketing Brand Champion Lisa Green

Lisa Green, Director, Global Marketing ‑ Rare Diseases, Chiesi Global Rare Diseases

Lisa Green and her company’s mission can be paraphrased as “leave no patient, caregiver, or child behind.” That was on full display as Lisa spearheaded the “Rethink Fabry” campaign in preparation for launching a new therapeutic ERT option for Fabry, a rare genetic disorder affecting approximately 11,000 people.

Rethink Fabry challenges misconceptions, increases understanding and identification of Fabry, and fosters a sense of community and hope for both patients and HCPs. Rethink Fabry has become a hub of resources to which the entire Fabry community can flock to find information, including a free webinar series, which features speaker sessions and Q&As with patients and Fabry experts. But while Lisa ensured the broader population had access to information and support for their Fabry, she knew a key group was feeling left behind.

For a long time, the accepted misperception was that women were only carriers of Fabry and not patients. Lisa has been committed to changing this narrative. Recent research has shown that significant numbers of women can be affected and should be considered potential candidates for treatment. She pioneered patient engagement efforts in tandem with HCP education to address this inequity. Through the social campaign Rethink Fabry HERoes, she’s brought attention to the fallacy that females can’t have Fabry. Now, countless women have the tools they need to identify the disease and a community where they can talk about the impact of the disease. Her leadership and innovative thinking have changed the way doctors and patients’ approach Fabry treatment, forever improving the lives of thousands of patients.


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