Ask Yourself 3 Questions to Optimize HCP Engagement

I recently saw a “Saturday Night Live” (SNL) skit where they joked about the incredible movie line-up for best picture at the Oscars—yet no one had ever heard of the nominees. With numerous streaming services, constant ads promoting various movies, and an endless array of social media targeting, it was impossible for the average movie viewer to keep up and appreciate the good (“Rocky IV”) from the bad (“Rocky V”).

These competing elements of the entertainment industry are currently locked in battle over who wins our attention. When it comes to those trying to educate and engage with HCPs, it’s no different. Pairing a seemingly unlimited supply of touch points, impressions, and delivery methods with the simple goal of providing vital information to support HCP education, how exactly do we move the needle and make a sincere impact on what has become a landscape of white noise?

I believe the development of a unique HCP engagement comes down to three core questions that have nothing to do with what social media platform has the most impressions or what time of day HCPs typically check their emails.

1. Who Are They?

You need to create unique personas for each specialty, each demographic, each region—understanding not just how they think, but how they act. For example, the expert of 20 years who is set in their ways versus the rising star focused on innovation. Also, try to determine: What are their learning styles? What will resonate? What will make them want to learn more or ideally schedule another in-office meeting with an MSL?

This will support the tone of your engagements.

2. What Do They Know?

Next, you must understand their knowledge base. What are certain specialties accustomed to? What is the accepted treatment paradigm for certain diseases? What have they read or been exposed to on a quantitative level to support certain actions?

This will support the message of your engagements.

3. What Do They Believe?

Finally, the facet that’s most difficult to grasp is appreciating their beliefs and where they are on the HCP journey lifecycle. Belief is beyond both personality and intellect. Belief comes from the heart. It’s been molded into the HCP through years of experience and is the most intangible component that could transform an HCP from a skeptic to an advocate. How do we elicit value in a strategic and informative way?

This will support your engagement narrative. 

In a world of individuality, it is crucial to meet HCPs on their level. We have the resources and ability to take HCP engagement to the next level and tailor each interaction to the perfect setting that drives real impact and education. Through appreciating their personality, understanding their knowledge base, and acknowledging their point of view, we are poised to support HCPs in a provocative way, leading to a more connected healthcare landscape.

  • Brad Quosig

    Brad Quosig is SVP, Growth and Client Engagement of Vitamin MD, a division of Calcium + Company. Brad joined Calcium in 2021 and co-launched Vitamin MD in 2022 alongside Lauren Lazar, MD with the support of Calcium + Company Group President Greg Lewis. With over a decade of medical education and communication experience, Brad brings a depth of therapeutic category expertise with a special focus on client services, partnerships, and strategy.


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