PM360 2022 Trailblazer Awards Direct-to-Consumer Campaign Gold Winner Hologic and SFC Group

The Acessa Procedure City-Specific Advertising (Hologic and SFC Group)

One in three women have fibroids and many suffer in silence with abnormally heavy and long periods. Why? Besides the stigma around conversation, women with fibroids think that hysterectomy is the only treatment option. For women who dream of having children, or simply don’t want to lose their uterus, hysterectomy is NOT an option.

Hologic created a city-specific campaign targeting Northern California and Atlanta, GA. The goal was to tell women that painful periods aren’t normal—and that getting a hysterectomy is not the only solution. The team created an innovative campaign to raise awareness about fibroids, present the Acessa procedure as a minimally invasive alternative to hysterectomy—and accomplished this through out-of-home advertising.

SFC Group identified strategic areas in the targeted communities that would catch maximum attention with billboards, transit shelter signage, and gas station videos. Bold, simple billboards with straightforward language created effective drive-by messaging. Transit shelters and gas station videos encouraged women to “put the brakes on painful periods with the Acessa procedure.” Memorable URLs included,, and Region-specific ads let women know that help was—literally—right in town.

This initiative resulted in seven months of high HCP contact submissions. Google searches for “Acessa procedure” over the last three months are up 91% in California compared to the prior three months. The campaign reached its analytics goals online and successfully helped women connect to HCPs who can help them overcome fibroids with a breakthrough treatment.


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