PM360 2018 Innovative Strategy Insight EDGE Targeting Platform from Rx EDGE Media Network

Insight EDGE Targeting Platform

Rx EDGE Media Network

Rob Blazek, SVP, Networks and Analytics

Rx EDGE Media Network marketing programs can be found in the health/personal care section of nearly 30,000 pharmacies throughout the U.S. Their displays are filled with “take-ones” that deliver information about prescription medications and the conditions they treat so consumers may understand treatment options, and receive information that facilitates dialogue with a healthcare provider.

Insight EDGE was born when the company needed an enhanced way to reach the right prospective patient audience and get as many qualified people as possible to see and act upon the brand’s value message. A suite of data resources that the Rx EDGE analytics team uses to ensure that pharma brand messages are present in the optimal pharmacy sections and geographic markets, this strategy ensures that hyper-relevant content is delivered to the consumers who are searching in those specific locations. The innovative incorporation of store-level Rx and OTC data into the Insight EDGE “engine,” combined with demographic and geographic inputs, makes this an ideal platform that can be as granular or as general as required to meet the brand’s objectives.

As shown by actual prescription sales lift and return on investment, Insight EDGE has made it possible for brands across multiple therapeutic categories to reach the most relevant audience and generate patient follow-through. For example, in a dermatology campaign, Insight EDGE used median household income and demographic factors, along with retail sales data for Rx and OTC topical products grouped by price and brands, to zero-in on the optimal stores for the program. The program generated a 15.8% increase in new scripts and over $7.00 return on investment.


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