For Pharma to Flourish, Innovation Must Flourish

“Innovation is seeing first what others see eventually.” This quote made a great impression on me, and as I looked around at what pharma marketers were doing to keep up with the massive shifts in the industry, I saw that innovation was the key to its survival. And pharma was taking stabs at innovation—but that information was not available.

That’s when I decided that PM360 must also become more innovative and created an industry first—our annual Innovations in Pharma Marketing issue. Our primary goal: Helping our readers find the resources they desperately required—the products, the services, the strategies and even the people and companies who were busy doing the innovating—to push themselves away from traditional marketing methods and highlight the very thinking that can take marketing to unprecedented heights.

Now in our third year, this issue draws a tsunami of submissions from all across the industry. And it’s become quite a success—because we clearly see what our readers know all too well: In today’s environment, you can’t stay relevant if you don’t evolve. And if you don’t evolve, eventually, you become extinct.

So this issue is published at the end of the year, a time of reflection when people think hard about what has worked and what hasn’t, plan for tomorrow or 5, 10 years down the road. My hope is that the thoughts, ideas, creative solutions, the innovations from small to large that we share will inspire our readers to act—to put that knowledge to use in creating their own innovations. I want to help our readers become industry leaders. It is better to lead than to follow.

In January, look for another industry first from PM360, now in its sixth year: The Pharma Choice Awards. This is the only online creative competition in which the entire pharma industry votes for the most imaginative works from the multitude of creatives who enter. Check it out to see the winners—and prepare to be dazzled!

As 2015 draws ever closer, the staff at PM360 would like to thank you, our readers and advertisers, for your devoted readership and support. We look forward to another great year in 2015!


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