PM360 2021 Trailblazer Awards Interactive Marketing Program Silver Winner Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals and Patients & Purpose

Acthar Town (Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals, Patients & Purpose)

When the COVID-19 pandemic forced a stop to in-person gatherings, the Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals and Patients & Purpose teams found a different approach to bring the commercial team for Acthar Gel together at the virtual 2021 National Sales meeting.

The team created “Acthar Town,” complete with a virtual bookstore, bus stop, café, gallery, newsstand, and theater. Over the course of two full days, attendees engaged with the new campaign for the product, trained on new material, and learned from live speakers.

Ultimately, the entire commercial team was able to gather and engage as a remote, but still unified team.

Acthar Town not only met its key objective, but also provided a platform for the brand to build upon and roll out to public-facing conferences and HCP customers. Engagement metrics show that over the course of its two-day debut, Acthar Town captured over 200 users, for 1,800 total sessions, and 863 unique interactions.


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