PM360 2019 Trailblazer Awards Dermatology Brand Champion Debra D’Amico

Debra D’Amico, Senior Director Consumer Marketing, Sanofi Genzyme

Physicians and patients had a long list of treatment options to chose from to relieve their eczema (atopic dermatitis) symptoms long before Dupixent (dupilumab) was set to hit the market. That left Debra D’Amico with the challenge of getting physicians and patients to consider a new, injectable treatment option for moderate-severe atopic dermatitis. But unlike topical treatments, Dupixent is not a steroid. It is a biologic treatment that targets a key source of inflammation deep beneath the skin to reduce itchy, unsightly flares seen on the surface of the skin.

To help patients determine if Dupixent was right for them, Debra, along with her alliance partner at Regeneron Pharmaceuticals partnered with Health Monitor Network to develop a targeted, in-office patient guide program called “Guide to Eczema: Focus on Atopic Dermatitis.” The program, which also served as a take-home tactic for patients, offers relevant eczema condition-specific information, questions to ask during a doctor’s office visit, an introduction to a care team, inspiring patient stories, treatment options, and much more. Ultimately, the guide was designed to help facilitate a dialogue between patients and physicians and to educate patients on Dupixent, a breakthrough treatment

Through their partnership with Health Monitor Network, Sanofi and Regeneron have been able to reach thousands of target HCP offices, tens of thousands of patients, and many members of the dermatology professional community. This guide, in addition to other point of care and DTC efforts have proven to be important contributors to the success of the Dupixent brand.


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