PM360 2020 Trailblazer Awards Medical Device/Diagnostics Brand Champion Alexandra Tudoran

Alexandra Tudoran, Associate Director, Restylane Franchise, Galderma

Alexandra Tudoran knew Galderma’s Restylane had a unique feature that would help it stand out to consumers. However, she first needed to convince the company to reinvigorate its DTC efforts after a 2018 decision shifted marketing budgets heavily towards HCP speaking events and sales force promotional efforts. So during a 2019 corporate-wide brand planning process, she made her pitch.

Restylane was facing increased competitive activity, but unlike its competitors, the new fillers from the Restylane portfolio featured unique XpresHAn Technology, which was clinically studied to prove subtle, flexible, and natural-looking results in patient outcomes. While there are dozens of dermal fillers on the market, none of them have completed such a study, nor could they make such claims as to their results. Alexandra proposed highlighting this feature as well as the full Restylane family of fillers to appeal to a variety of consumer needs. She was given the go-ahead to create a campaign and run a media pilot to prove its impact.

The Restylane Ready campaign featured real-patients and real results, using consumers in the target demo who visually refreshed the brand image, but also remained relatable. Additionally, the campaign encouraged consumers to act through a $100-off incentive offer, which was a new tactic for the brand. The campaign caught on like wildfire via social media, with many HCPs and Med Spas promoting the portfolio campaign themselves on their personal social channels.

The campaign went national in Q4 2019 and in less than three months, it drove a 20%+ lift in new patients seeking Restylane treatment—the largest increase for the brand in recent years.


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