PM360 2019 Trailblazer Awards Professional Campaign Winner Novo Nordisk and Concentric Health Experience

“Same Will, New Way” (Novo Nordisk, Concentric Health Experience)

Shaping a market that affects 650 million adults and more than 120 million children and adolescents around the world is no easy task. People suffering from obesity in conjunction with another disease live in a complex environment of stigma, misinformation, and bias. Despite being linked to other serious diseases, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and some forms of cancer, obesity is not always seen as a serious chronic disease, and treatment options available to those who are suffering from this disease are limited. Novo Nordisk and Concentric Health Experience teamed up to bring clarity and treatment to those who are overweight in the presence of at least one weight-related comorbid condition (e.g., hypertension, type 2 diabetes, or dyslipidemia).

Concentric found some troubling trends from the start of their research: The HCP and patient experience of weight management is largely one of misattributions of the factors responsible for the weight gain/loss cycle; most HCPs blame patients for a lack of discipline in controlling their diet and exercise regimens; and most patients blame themselves for a lack of willpower for sustained weight management. In order to reach each party in this blame-game, an omnichannel approach was employed. The team developed a compelling campaign designed to address the real human experiences in treating and overcoming obesity. With empathy at the core of the strategy, the new campaign was specifically engineered to connect the struggle of patients with prescriber activation.

To achieve the highest level of ROI possible and pull the campaign through to a full 360° campaign, Concentric targeted the healthcare provider, DTC, and market access—all through a digital nonpersonal multichannel mix. The result was a new, activating campaign that gives permission to both doctor and patient to more productively align for improved health. The omnichannel approach proved to be successful, with the brand having the top return across the company with an approximate 3:1 ROI.


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