ELITE 2018 Leader of the Future Luigi Camacho of Healix

Luigi Camacho

Supervisor (Media Planning)


Ensuring a Brighter Future

Luigi Camacho knows the true value of a leader is not just measured in how well the people around him perform, but in doing everything he can to help them be the best they can be.

“Luigi doesn’t over delegate and doesn’t micro-manage,” explains his manager, Scott Cofsky, Vice President, Media Strategy. “He creates a balance that leads to an independent team. He teaches them so they can be successful in their roles and creates opportunities for the team to learn and grow in a supportive environment.”

For example, as his team was growing, he saw the need to streamline onboarding to his accounts. So, he worked with his team to create a training manual for new Associate Media Planners to assist new members across teams. Additionally, in August 2017, Luigi wanted to ensure his junior team members understood how to more effectively use syndicated research tools to pull audience insights for building 2018 media plans. Rather than work exclusively with them, he led a training course for the Associates and Planners on his team to teach them how to utilize syndicated research and competitive tools. The course included homework assignments he developed to ensure all participants could demonstrate understanding of the tools and be confident in how they run reports.

Luigi has also made it a priority to develop tools and processes to help everyone in the company—not just his team members. For example, he created a Mobile Geo 101 and Programmatic 101, which includes a comparison of the leading geo-mobile and programmatic vendors in the space with a deep dive into differentiators. He also implemented a blinded report that seamlessly provides transparency between the agency, client, and partners. It offers greater clarity into partner performance and provides more objective decision making around allocation and optimization of budgets.

In his one and a half years in the agency, Luigi has already received several internal awards, including a Teamwork ACE Award, Living the Brand ACE Award, and the first recipient of the Innovation ACE Award given by the President of Healix.


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