ORLANDO (FRONTLINE MEDICAL NEWS) Children and adults with peanut allergy who received a novel oral immunotherapy were able to tolerate higher doses of peanut protein, compared with those receiving placebo, according to research results.

Stacie M. Jones, MD, of the University of Arkansas and Arkansas Children’s Hospital, Little Rock, presented the late-breaking results from the pivotal PALISADE trial at the joint congress of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology and the World Asthma Organization, in which Dr. Jones and her colleagues sought to examine the safety and efficacy of the novel oral immunotherapy AR101 for patients with peanut allergy.

They enrolled 551 patients aged 4-49 years (average age, 11.3 years) who reacted to 100 mg or less of peanut protein at the time of screening in double-blind, placebo-controlled food challenges. Patients who were randomly assigned to receive AR101 received initial escalation phases and up-dosing phases before they eventually received a maintenance dose of 300 mg/day for approximately 6 months.

At 12 months, 67% of patients who received AR101 tolerated 600 mg or more of peanut protein, compared with 4% of control patients (P less than .00001). The tolerance benefit for AR101 appeared to continue when the researchers evaluated 1,000 mg of peanut protein. A dose of 1,000 mg or more was tolerated by 50% of patients in the AR101 group, compared with 2.4% of patients in the control group (P less than .00001).

“Tolerance at 600 mg should indicate, not prove, but indicate that this therapy should be able to provide protection for the vast majority of individuals treated,” Dr. Jones said in an interview.

The majority of patients in the study experienced an adverse event; however, those who received AR101 experienced more events, and more events that were considered serious, she said. Patients in the treatment arm also experienced more treatment-related hypersensitivity, compared with patients in the placebo arm (14.5% vs. 3.2%), nearly all of which were mild to moderate.

It is important to note two key safety outcomes regarding AR101, Dr. Jones said. First, that one patient was diagnosed with eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) during the study. “EoE has been a recurring theme with oral immunotherapy. Previous data showed EoE diagnoses in as many as 2%-5% of patients, and although one is certainly less than that, it is still important.”

Secondly, she pointed out that 6.7% of patients in the treatment group withdrew as a result of gastrointestinal adverse events. “This is a lower percentage than previously published data, but I don’t think you can understate this safety concern,” Dr. Jones said.

The efficacy of AR101 has prompted energy and hope for children with a peanut allergy. In the weeks following her presentation at AAAAI/WAO, Dr. Jones said she has been inundated with emails and calls from allergists asking for these data. However, she called for caution and patience, saying that it is important for the therapy to clear the appropriate steps in the process.

“This should not change clinical care that much in the next 12-18 months,” Dr. Jones said. “But it is very hopeful that this will be a new therapy on the market.”

The PALISADE trial was funded by Aimmune Therapeutics, and Dr. Jones reported holding an advisory board position for Aimmune Therapeutics, as well as having received other forms of support from biotech, pharmaceutical, and governmental organizations.

SOURCE: Jones SM et al. AAAAI/WAO Joint Congress, Abstract L6.
