ELITE Disrupter Angelo Campano of Ogilvy CommonHealth Worldwide

Angelo Campano

Director, Customer Experience (EHR & CRM)

Ogilvy CommonHealth Worldwide, part of WPP Health & Wellness


Cracking the EHR Space

In the past three years, Angelo Campano single-handedly created a unique new service that opened up new opportunities for clients to provide information to HCPs within EHR systems during the delivery of care.

Angelo has been studying the EHR/EMR area for six years, and in a matter of 18 months is now leading a team that helps about 57 brands to engage with HCPs on this platform. Called the Percept business rules engine, this moments-oriented, just-in-time capability enables Ogilvy CommonHealth Worldwide to deliver the right message at the right time to the right HCP. And it was created out of Angelo’s desire to provide a unique strategic service to customers.

“Angelo is awesome,” says Karin Ferraro-Laughlin, Associate Brand Director – Oncology at Novartis. “He is a true partner and extension of my team. He taught me everything I know about the new EHR world we live in. He has knowledge and expertise in this area and has been very patient in getting me and my colleagues up to speed on the platforms. His customer service is excellent and he is a true pleasure to work with.”

Throughout his career, Angelo has also amassed an impressively vast and productive network of partners and vendors. In the realm of CRM, data vendors, and new tactical ideas, Angelo is internally considered the “connector.” If there is a partner or vendor with a specific CRM capability, the chances are high that Angelo knows someone at the firm. He is a strong presenter and a relatively prolific writer—with blogs and articles on the subjects of customer experience, multichannel marketing, and EHR technology.

Those are just a few of the reasons that his organization and healthcare industry as a whole recognized Angelo’s potential. His several awards include The Future Famer (by the Medical Advertising Hall of Fame) and Ogilvy Rising Star (by Ogilvy & Mather). Based on his contributions, he has also been nominated to contribute in the roles of speaker at the Ogilvy Rising Star program and mentor in the Future Famer program.


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