PM360 spoke to Kevin Appareti, Global Director, Medical Science Liaison, Philips Healthcare, about his love for the camera and shooting sports events and his travels.


PM360: We hear that you love photography. Tell us how long you’ve been involved in that?

Appareti: I have been an avid photographer since taking a class in high school. Over the years I have enjoyed taking photos of the places I’ve traveled to for my job. With four very sports-oriented boys, I also became involved in shooting games—from soccer to gymnastics.

How did you get involved in photography? Were you inspired by someone or something?

My parents bought me the Time Life series of books on photography. In the mid ’70s, Time Magazine was one of the premier publications that highlighted excellent photography. The series of books offered me a wonderful world of art mixed with technology. It allowed both my right and left brain to participate in a great hobby.

What is it about photography that captivates you?

I really love the process involved in photography—coming up with new ideas about what kinds of photos I want to take and what messages I want to convey. The actual photo-taking phase—which involves technology, settings and experimentation—is a lot of fun. Also, editing is great. It allows me to further refine the photo to tell the story I want.

How does photography personally satisfy you?

Being able to catalogue my boys’ participation in something they really enjoy has been very satisfying. Also cataloging my travel to different parts of the world and different cultures has been very eye opening.

How has your photography evolved over the years?

In high school, I built a dark room in our basement and learned the skills of film development and enlarging. This was great for understanding the more technical side of black and white photography and I think this helped hone my skills behind the camera. These days, it’s all digital—which has eliminated the need for the dark room—but created the new concern of how and where do I store all these digital images!

That’s great Kevin. Do you do anything else in your spare time?

My other passion is basketball. I play as much as I can with a busy travel schedule. Typically there are about 15 or so of us who play pick-up games on Wednesday nights for two hours. It keeps the competitive juices going and it’s great exercise.

I also enjoy spending time with my family and actively participating in our church. We hold an “Appareti Olympics” every summer with my boys and it is a blast to come up with new and crazy games to complement the standard ones. We love to compete!



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