Get Out…and Get Fit!

If you’re thinking about taking a boring gym regimen outside, or just beginning a commitment to get fit, spring is the best time to kick off a fitness routine. Getting back into the swing of things can be pretty tough, especially during this busy time of the year. Take a look at these spring exercise tips for the expert or the novice. Pretty soon you’ll feel as good as the weather does.

First Thing First: Be Realistic

Many people vow to get fit as bikini season approaches and set far-fetched goals to do so. This will ruin your determination in a very short time and make you fall off track completely. Don’t aim to do a 30-minute run five days a week if you normally only go to the gym once a week. Slowly work your way into a bit of cardio twice a week. Starting slow will result in a healthier lifestyle in the long run—which means a long-lasting beach body!

Get the Most Out Of The Outdoors

  • Jumping rope isn’t just for kids—it’s arguably the best cardio workout you can give your body. Twenty minutes of jumping will burn more than 200 calories and get your heart rate way up.
  • Biking is also a great way to keep your body in motion while enjoying the outdoors.
  • Step-ups are also easily done on a park bench or other high surface. Do as many as you can between a light jog to really bump up your heart rate and burn more fat.
  • Wearing ankle or arm weights is a simple way to tone up during an enjoyable spring walk.

Make It Fun

  • Any sport will get you where you want to go physically. Softball, hiking, swimming—even throwing a Frisbee—are all great workouts.
  • If solo runs becomes too boring, you’ll start to dread them and eventually give up. Instead, find groups online that get together to play tennis or soccer one day a week. It’s a great way to stay excited about staying in shape—and create a few friendships along the way. You don’t have to be good—fun is the objective!

Stay Safe

  • Don’t forget to protect your skin—even if you think it’s not too hot or sunny. No matter how comfortable it may be, your skin is exposed to harmful UV rays. The easiest way to ensure you’re protected is to use a daily moisturizer with an SPF of at least 15—and make sure it’s waterproof so you can work up a sweat without the worry.
  • The single most important thing to remember when active outside: Stay hydrated. Muscles need water to avoid cramping and potential tissue injuries. Sweating causes dehydration—so always have water on hand.


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