PM360 2023 Innovative Telehealth/Telemedicine Upswing Health

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Upswing Health

Immediate Access to Virtual Musculoskeletal Care

When people have an injury—as one in two adult Americans do each year—and are in pain they immediately have two questions: What do I have and where do I need to go? Upswing Health offers a unique, patient-focused digital platform that helps answer their questions—urgently, from the onset of their problem.

Upswing’s proprietary online symptom assessment tool mimics the doctor-patient office experience. After answering a few questions, patients are given a differential with the most likely causes of their pain. It then guides them to condition-specific educational resources and self-help exercises to begin their recovery. Upswing provides a comprehensive and integrated solution to managing these conditions that combines ongoing patient education, telehealth services, and a network of experienced certified athletic trainers and orthopedic physicians.

Upswing also employs state-of-the-art motion-sensor analysis to objectively measure a patient’s initial condition and monitor their progress. The platform is available to patients online 24/7 from wherever they may be. While Upswing’s platform and care team assess and manage most orthopedic problems virtually, if necessary, they can also triage to the appropriate downstream providers.

Upswing was designed by two orthopedic surgeons and officially launched in 2019. Since then, use of the platform has shown improvement in patient outcomes. Users report a 54% reduction in pain and increased mobility after using the platform for an average engagement of 53 days. Additionally, 59% said if they did not had access to Upswing Health, they would have had to go to an emergency room or urgent care center and 46% indicated they would have had to go to a physician’s office.


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