ELITE 2023 Entrepreneurs William Grambley and Clifford Jones of AllazoHealth

William Grambley



Clifford Jones

Founder and Chief Technology Officer


Individualizing Patient Engagement

While at CVS Health, William Grambley and Clifford Jones helped to spearhead the company’s Pharmacy Advisor Program, which grew from concept to serving more than 14 million patients and contributed in raising CVS Health clients’ Medicare Star Ratings to their highest levels ever. But they recognized that their work represented just the tip of the iceberg for addressing the systemic challenges of medication adherence—and this realization ultimately led to AllazoHealth.

Research estimates more than 20% of new prescriptions are never filled and more than half of people stop taking their medications as directed by month six. What’s more, only 3% of eligible patients currently use support programs, despite reporting that they’d take advantage of them if they knew more about them. The reason why: although every patient is unique, our industry tends to communicate to healthcare consumers monolithically—at best, communicating to similar segments or personas.

William and Clifford set out to build an entirely new kind of system. Unlike technologies that enable cohort or persona-based targeting, AllazoHealth’s AI platform securely and compliantly uses identified, patient-level data to target the optimal interactions for each and every individual. The AI that powers these predictions has been trained from AllazoHealth’s dataset of more than 25 million patient records. From this dataset, AllazoHealth can help pharmaceutical manufacturers determine the optimal content, channels, timing, cadence, and risk factors for each and every individual patient. At the same time, AllazoHealth’s AI continuously learns and improves based on ongoing results.

The platform has been shown to achieve 5.5x greater adherence uplift compared to traditional programs, 2.3x uplift in fill rate, 9% increase in therapy initiation, 13% increase in days on therapy, and nearly 25% lower spending on interventions. Also, as demonstrated in partnership with Walgreens, AllazoHealth’s technology has helped to advance health equity by delivering AI-driven interventions to high-risk patients based on social vulnerability.

With William as CEO and Clifford as CTO, the company has thrived. In the last 24 months, revenue has grown 238% and the company’s employee base has doubled.


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