My Other Life with Kristie Whitehouse

PM360 recently spoke to Kristie Whitehouse, Director, Neurodevelopment Franchise Strategy at Takeda, about picking back up her golf clubs last summer.

Kristie with her husband, Ryan, who she actually met in a golf league.

PM360: How did you first get into golf?

Kristie Whitehouse: I first golfed in 8th grade as a part of a gym field trip; however, my dad’s side of the family are big golfers, so I was around it growing up and interested in learning.

What made you pick golf back up this summer?

With COVID, golf was one of the only things open to do for activities, so I made it a goal to golf at least once a week to ensure I shut the computer off and get outside and walk the course. I found many different people who golf, so I was able to build different relationships with neighbors and colleagues, partnering with them on the course while maintaining social distance.

What do you enjoy the most about playing?

I enjoy the challenge and the fact that each round is different, even if I play a course multiple times. Those once-in-a-while, amazing shots keep me in it even when I have a “just missed” shot or putt. Plus, I like being outside, exercising, the social aspect, and meeting different people or learning more about someone I just know through work.

What would you say is the best part of your golf game?

It is probably my consistency. My distance with each club is fairly consistent so I can strategize on each hole based on the yardage accurately, even when faced with dog legs or hazards.

Now that you started playing again, do you plan to work to improve any part of your game?

I would like to work to improve my distance. My shots are usually straight, but I know with a few tweaks in my stroke I could gain yardage. That’s the thing about golf, the little modifications can make a big difference!

What was the best round you ever had?

My best-ever round came during a summer after college when I played every week while living in Minnesota. I played 18 holes and scored an 82! It was incredible for me and I had so much fun. For a day, I considered giving up my profession to take on golf, but then I went out again and shot in the 90s and realized I should stick to my day job.

What is your favorite course to play at? And do you have any dream courses you eventually want to play at?

My favorite course is Superior National Golf Course in Minnesota. I’ve lived in Boston for the past 14 years, but I’m originally from Minnesota. This golf course is in northern Minnesota and has fantastic views of Lake Superior. I always appreciate a beautiful course with breathtaking views, but they are always very challenging with the hills! A dream course of mine is to someday play Pebble Beach in California. I’ve only had lunch at the restaurant there 15 years ago and since then I’ve always wanted to play!


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