Today’s medical sales environment is rapidly evolving. Trust and credibility are invaluable, but it’s no longer only necessary to build a strong 1:1 relationship with specific healthcare professionals (HCPs). To ensure purchases are strategic from both a medical and business perspective, hospitals have implemented an entire team of decision makers consisting of multiple roles, responsibilities, and competing priorities tasked with executing a complex evaluation. Sellers now need to cater to those differing priorities, showcase their expertise in each area and have the flexibility to quickly pivot from one topic to the next.

With this in mind, providing personalized, relevant, and compliant materials has never been more important. Sellers must tell the right story and add the necessary value for everyone involved.

For example, HCPs regularly read academic journals to review the speeds and feeds of various products on their own. Sellers shouldn’t be using the limited time they have to regurgitate this information in-person or to present one-size-fits-all material. And yet, according to SiriusDecisions, 51% of physicians are already aware of the information sellers are offering, giving HCPs no incentive to engage in deeper conversations and making it more difficult for sellers to progress sales.

Succeeding in a One-to-Many Sales Environment

HCPs find resources that directly impact their patients, specialty, or practice, most valuable. For others on the purchasing team, the message may revolve around economic factors that impact ROI. With the right sales enablement tool, relevant sales collateral automatically finds the sellers; content automation allows for compliant personalization/calculations; and engagement analytics provide sellers unique insight into how they should optimize conversations, continue to build credibility, and out-perform their competition.

As challenges of the one-to-many sales process continue to take shape, so, too, will other trends such as an accelerated rate of product innovation, constant regulatory pressures, and an increased need for differentiation. Serve sellers up-to-date, compliant, and easily searchable content, whether they need to review the latest ISI, surgical technique, or breaking industry news. Medical device companies that can weaponize the way sales collateral is organized, delivered, adopted, and measured, will give sellers the opportunity to excel in this new environment, exceed their customer’s expectations, and increase revenue.

  • Sarah Raines

    Sarah Raines is Product Marketing Manager at Seismic. Sarah has spent her career collaborating with, and coaching Sales and Marketing teams within highly regulated industries. At Seismic, she leads the marketing efforts for Healthcare and Life Sciences, working closely with Medical Device customers to overcome new sales challenges, drive compliance, efficiency, and achieve higher results.


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