PM360 2018 Innovative Service BrandHub from ConnectiveRx



Chris Dowd, Senior Vice President, Market Development  

ConnectiveRx’s BrandHub is one of the industry’s first hub portals to integrate product procurement, inventory management, trade support, patient access, EMR integration, fillable prior authorization forms, and analytics.

Biopharmaceutical manufacturers rely on high-touch hub services to support their specialty medications because these products typically require special handling and present unique health insurance coverage challenges. While traditional hub services are built around fax machines and call center teams, ConnectiveRx innovates by leveraging technology to facilitate patient access to specialty medications and provide greater visibility for the patients’ healthcare providers into the process of getting patients on, and keeping them on, therapy.

BrandHub offers a highly customizable, web-based portal that biopharmaceutical manufacturers can use to facilitate interactions with ConnectiveRx’s patient support services. The platform boasts cutting-edge features, including electronic benefits verification, electronic prior authorizations, in-office product tracking for prescribers, specialty pharmacy fulfillment tracking, EMR integration with prescriber portals, tracked eOrdering that enables prescribers to initiate patient therapy quickly, and prescriber-friendly interfaces for ePrescriptions. On the same platform, prescribers can access clinical services solutions such as appointment reminders and the electronic distribution of materials to patients. BrandHub goes beyond traditional phone and fax-based hub services to offer a technology-enabled approach that can dramatically improve hub service metrics.

ConnectiveRx has created a completely new hub services platform to efficiently overcome barriers to treatment. Importantly, BrandHub provides manufacturers with the ability to add all of their brands to a single prescriber portal. The ideal patient journey for specialty medications begins in the BrandHub portal.


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