Clinical Cuisine™

BBK Worldwide

Contact Person:
Aaron Fleishman, Senior Director Market Expansion

In 2019, BBK Worldwide conducted a survey on caregiver burden with 67% of respondents indicating that meal planning and preparation was a major burden. When developing engagement and experience programs for clinical trial participants, BBK prioritizes study-life balance, which is a construct BBK developed to recognize the increasing complexity of everyday life and remove impediments to clinical trial participation with patient- and caregiver-centric solutions. Study-life balance also recognizes how patient experiences with tech-driven advancements in other areas of their lives are changing their expectations for the clinical trial experience. The construct was first published in International Clinical Trials magazine.

In clinical trials, the caregiver can often be forgotten, their needs overlooked. Enter Clinical Cuisine™, a first of its kind engagement tool that gives back to the caregiver during study participation by removing the burden of meal planning and preparation.

Clinical Cuisine was developed in 2021 to help patients and caregivers stay engaged and supported in clinical trials. It is often helpful in studies where food and meal preparation is a factor that influences the study experience. Through BBK’s patented technology engagement platform TrialCentralNet®, Clinical Cuisine partners with local restaurants and grocery stores to deliver healthy, fresh, ready-made meals to the patient and caregiver’s home or housing arrangement while they participate in a clinical trial.

Patients and caregivers can choose the meals and ingredients they want, and TrialCentralNet matches those criteria to local food delivery partners. Meals and ingredients can also be submitted to a patient’s food diary should it be required for the study. Clinical Cuisine serves as a participant engagement program to enhance the experience of clinical trial participation for patients and caregivers.


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