Standardized rehabilitation therapy did not reduce hospital length of stay in patients with acute respiratory failure, based on data from a randomized trial of 300 adults published online in JAMA.

Hospital length of stay averaged 10 days for patients in the standardized rehabilitation therapy group (SRT) and 10 days in the control group that received usual ICU care, wrote Dr. Peter E. Morris of the division of pulmonary, critical care and sleep medicine at the University of Kentucky, Lexington, and his colleagues ( JAMA. 2016 Jun;315:2694-702. doi: 10.1001/jama.2016.7201 ).

The patients were followed for 6 months; 84 patients in the SRT group and 81 in the usual group completed the study.

Patients in the SRT group received daily therapy including passive range of motion, physical therapy, and progressive-resistance exercises. The usual care group received weekday physical therapy as determined by the clinical team.

The researchers also assessed secondary outcomes related to physical function and quality of life, including ventilator days, Short Physical Performance Battery ( SPPB ) score, handgrip, Mini-Mental State Examination , and Functional Performance Inventory ( FPI ).

Overall, there was no difference in duration of ventilation or ICU care between the two groups, and score of handgrip strength and mental health also were similar at 6 months’ follow up. However, the SF-36 physical function scores were significantly higher in the SRT group (difference, 12.2; 95% confidence interval, 3.8-20.7; P = .001), and the FPI scores and SPPB scores were higher, compared with the usual care group at 6 months.

“These findings from the exploratory analysis may highlight the emerging role of placing long-term outcomes within critical care clinical trial design not only as a secondary outcome, but possibly as the primary outcome,” the researchers noted. “In view of the SPPB, SF-36 PFS, and FPI data at 6 months, the SRT group demonstrated a potential signal of improvement compared with the usual care group that was not evident at hospital discharge,” they wrote.

The study was supported by the National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Nursing Research, and National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Lead author, Dr. Morris, had no financial conflicts to disclose.


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