Verywell Health Health Divide


Launched in September 2021, the Health Divide series explores the ways certain health conditions have disproportionately impacted marginalized groups, including BIPOC, Latinx, and LGBTQ+ communities. As part of an ongoing program, Verywell launched this series to spearhead overdue change, provide inclusive medical information, and acknowledge the unique medical challenges faced by these communities.

So far, Verywell Health’s Health Divide series tackled uterine fibroids, breast cancer, and HIV, and more will follow throughout 2022. Through examining the disparities and telling stories on those directly affected by these conditions, Health Divide serves as a tailored destination where those most affected by the disease can find guidance, educational information, and learn how they can take action.

Features from each Health Divide provide readers with a compassionate outlet that caters to their specific needs, including a comprehensive educational overview curated by doctors on prevention, causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment. Real patient stories offer exclusive insights on living with each disease firsthand, and an “Ask the Expert” tool with Verywell Health Chief Medical Officer Dr. Jessica Shepherd shares direct medical advice in a Q&A format. Commentary from the Health Divide series also further inform Verywell Health’s current core content to enhance experiences for readers coming to the site for guidance and solutions.

With each Health Divide, the brand collaborates with a nonprofit organization that is close to the space to further help build the series as a personal and authoritative health destination. The brand has worked with the Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF), The White Dress Project, and Alliance for Positive Change.

Throughout all content, Verywell’s editorial team works with their Medical Review Board and its Anti-Bias Review Board, an internal panel that advises the creation of inclusive, sensitive, and prejudice-free content, to ensure integrity and medical accuracy.

The Health Divide series has received over 140MM media impressions since its launch and because of the highly immersive experience, users spent 2x more time on the pages engaging with the content.


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