ELITE 2021 Drug Researchers and Developers Martin-Immanuel Bittner and Thomas A. Fleming of Arctoris

Martin-Immanuel Bittner



Thomas A. Fleming



Robotics & AI: Next-Generation Drug Discovery

Martin-Immanuel Bittner, MD DPhil and Thomas A. Fleming, MChem met while pursuing their doctoral degrees in drug discovery at the University of Oxford, and they certainly put that education to good use by founding Arctoris© in 2016 to bring drug discovery into the 21st century. Arctoris is the world’s first fully automated research platform that revolutionizes the drug discovery process for biotech companies, AI-driven drug discovery companies, and pharmaceutical corporations worldwide.

Arctoris’ Ulysses platform is the key to more efficient and scalable drug discovery, employing advanced, smart robotics to bring new drugs to the clinic faster. The platform enables rapid, informed decision-making all the way from the idea stage up to IND filing based on robust, reliable, fully reproducible data. Thanks to the Arctoris platform, leaders in biotech and pharma can rapidly, accurately, and cost-effectively progress their programs towards the clinic, leading to increased success rates.

By enabling researchers to spend less time doing manual work in the lab, they are liberated to focus on higher value tasks such as hypothesis generation, data interpretation, and strategic decision-making. Currently, Ulysses is used by the company’s biotech and pharma partners in the U.S., UK, Germany, Spain, Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Korea, and several other countries.

Martin and Tom have recruited a formidable scientific team to progress novel programs swiftly and an experienced engineering team to build out the platform’s automation from experimental design all the way to cloud-enabled data analytics. Thanks to end-to-end automation, Ulysses also guarantees research continuity, even in the face of the global upheavals of COVID-19.

Before starting Arctoris, Martin collected extensive research experience covering both clinical trials and preclinical drug discovery in oncology. He still is an active member of several leading cancer research organizations, and in recognition of his research achievements, he was elected a member of the Young Academy of the German National Academy of Sciences in 2018.

Meanwhile, Tom has a background in cancer research with experiences both at leading CROs and pharmaceutical companies, such as Evotec, AstraZeneca, and GlaxoSmithKline. He was a Fellow of the Royal Commission of 1851 while at Oxford, and is an SME Leader of the Royal Academy of Engineering.


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