When it comes to effective digital advertising to healthcare providers, a strategy built on leveraging highly targeted data will ensure you are messaging the right HCPs and lead to more successful campaigns. HCP data from the right healthcare data provider can provide a wide range of filters to help you target the right individuals, such as demographic, firmographic, and professional data; HCP NPI number; and even clinical behavioral data. So the marketing challenge is two-fold:

1. How do you choose the right HCP data to best fuel your digital marketing programs?

2. How do you leverage the right HCP data in your digital marketing programs?

Finding the right data ultimately comes down to employing the right third-party data partner. Identifying a partner that specializes in HCP data is critical. Ask the questions upfront to understand where their HCP data is obtained, how it is hygiened and maintained, and what range of activation channels are available. Cost will inevitably play an important role in choosing the right partner, but keep in mind that inaccurate data, missed HCP targets, and an unresponsive data team can cost you time, money, and ultimately the effectiveness of your campaign.

You’ll also want to be sure that a potential data partner can provide data that goes beyond the core set of demographic, professional, and basic contact information. This will allow you to target your HCP audience by highly specific clinical behavioral data and engage them via multiple digital channels, such as email marketing and digital advertising. This level of comprehensive data is what will ensure both effective and fully compliant marketing campaigns.

Putting Data to Good Use

Once you’ve identified a data partner that will provide you with the HCP data you need, you’ll need to put that data to use. Clearly defining your marketing campaign objectives will enable you to define a targeting strategy. Having a data partner that allows you to narrowly define an audience by applying HCP profiling linking clinicians to logical grouping of diagnosis (DX) and procedural (PX) code data is key to your targeting strategy. Additionally, just as important as defining your target is choosing the channel mix you want to employ.

In a recent survey conducted by MedData Group, physician respondents were asked, “On which channels do you find or consume professional content?” Email and medical news/publications tied for the top choice channels (see figure above). Does this align with your digital marketing strategy? Finally, your campaign message is crucial to your audience. Leverage this highly targeted data to your advantage by personalizing messages that resonate.

  • Bill Reinstein

    Bill Reinstein is President and CEO of MedData Group. Bill is a seasoned entrepreneur with over 20 years of expertise building interactive media and technology-enabled service organizations. As President and CEO of MedData Group, he is responsible for the strategic vision, organizational health and financial success of the company.


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