ELITE Master Educator John Theobald of Healthcasts

John Theobald

Chief Executive Officer




Revolutionizing the Way Doctors Learn

John Theobald has been revolutionizing the way doctors learn for the past 15 years. As the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Healthcasts, John has built a company dedicated to delivering trusted, personalized education exclusively by physicians for physicians. The company now serves more than 106,000 physicians, providing timely on-demand medical congress highlights, KOL insights and opinions, and CME credits. This includes 1,300,000 programs across more than 30 specialties with more than 30 educational partners from the top universities and institutions.    

John has also led the company to double-digit growth in revenue every single year because he makes sure to deliver what physicians and specialists primarily want, on their own time. Integral to Healthcasts’ business model is a routine assessment of physicians’ needs and preferences, garnered through direct physician feedback. It’s critical to John that the content developed for the platform is serving physicians in their efforts to drive superior patient outcomes.

John has created a valued and trusted online education destination for physicians, where meaningful discussions take place—including conversations about pharmaceutical brands. Feedback from physicians led John to expand beyond video, to a number of interactive products, including brand “challenges,” designed to strengthen the physician learning experience.

One physician had this to say about one of the new interactive programs: “First, I like that the program asked pointed questions and then immediately provided the answer. This provides beneficial education to the participant. Many programs fail to do this, so one is left hanging as to whether they really understand the material.”

But physicians still praise Healthcasts’ vast on-demand video content as extremely effective and convenient. One physician says, “As a clinician, a busy clinician, who is not only treating patients but also academically active, I find it nearly impossible to get out to meetings where I am not speaking. And one of the benefits of Healthcasts is that physicians are able to educate themselves on their own time at home. To have a three to four-minute snippet to see what is going on in the world of medicine is just remarkable.”


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