

ContextMedia:Health is one of the fastest growing companies in the industry impacting more than 12,000,000 patient visits each month. Our contextual, viewable and actionable content is seen in more than 25,000 practices nationwide.

We provide the right context at the right time. Our content is customized to each office based on physician specialty, geography, demographics, pyschographics and more. This customized experience is what sets us apart and ensures your message is always seen and engaged with by the patients who matter most.

Always striving to reimagine the Point-of-Care experience, our new innovations, Patient Mobile Connect and Digital Exam Room Wallboard, now extend our reach throughout the entire in-office patient journey.

ContextMedia:Health aspires to build the world’s largest health information company all while revolutionizing the POC experience.


489 Fifth Ave., 23rd Floor
New York, NY 10017
Twitter: @ashik_desai
Twitter: @ContextHealth

Rishi Shah, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer
Shradha Agarwal, Co-Founder and President
Ashik Desai, EVP, Business Growth and Analytics

New Business Contact:
Ashik Desai, EVP, Business Growth and Analytics

What Makes Us Innovative:
For nearly a decade, ContextMedia:Health has been the industry leader in technology innovation at the Point-of-Care. In 2013, ContextMedia launched its Exam Room Tablet, the first fully interactive patient education platform at the Point-of-Care. ContextMedia deployed more than 26,000 tablets in 2015.

Recently, ContextMedia:Health launched two products—Patient Mobile Connect and the Digital Exam Room Wallboard—that take the guesswork out of reaching the right patients at the right time. Notably, the Digital Exam Room Wallboard includes an interactive physician mode, which allows physicians the ability to educate patients with 3D responsive anatomical diagrams that they can mark to illustrate aspects of patient illness, and better communicate treatment options. This offers brands the unprecedented opportunity to message on the same tool used by physicians to educate their patients, and offers physicians the opportunity to improve retention and compliance.
