Mayo Regional Hospital Selects Cerner CommunityWorks

DOVER-FOXCROFT, Maine, May 08, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Mayo Regional Hospital has selected Cerner, a global leader in health care technology, to implement a new integrated electronic health record (EHR) and revenue cycle solutions across its acute and ambulatory facilities. This agreement provides the hospital with sophisticated health care technology that will support Mayo doctors, nurses and staff as they work to streamline operations and improve patient care.

“At Mayo, we focus the knowledge, skills and resources of our doctors and staff to forge a strong and integrated community health system that serves the people of our region,” said Marie Vienneau, CEO and president, Mayo. “We chose to work with Cerner because they are committed to this vision of health care, with experience in supporting community health care organizations improve care for their patients. We are looking forward to improving the quality of care, supported by having ‘one patient, one record!’”

Mayo will transition to Cerner Millennium®, a health care IT platform designed to support an individual’s care journey – from the doctor’s office to the hospital and outpatient clinics – with consistent patient engagement. The Cerner Millennium system will provide Mayo staff with a digital record of their patients’ health history. Doctors and nurses will have a more complete, near real-time view of an individual’s heath. Through the new online patient portal, people will be able to securely message doctors, schedule appointments, view and settle balances and access their health history. Cerner Millennium will also support improved interoperability and communication between Mayo and other health care providers in the region.

“As a critical access hospital in rural Maine, Mayo’s move to a single integrated EHR will facilitate the exchange of health information with other health care systems and providers in the state to create a more seamless patient experience,” said Zane Burke, president, Cerner. “Through our solutions, a patient’s critical health and financial information will be in one place and will support Mayo in their effort to provide a better approach toward improving the health and well-being of their community.”

Cerner CommunityWorks℠ leverages cloud technology to deliver the power of Cerner Millennium, tailored to support the unique needs of community, critical access and specialty hospitals. CommunityWorks will support Mayo’s 25-bed critical access hospital and clinics as it works to improve the overall health of the community. Mayo offers comprehensive care to the Dover-Foxcroft area and its surrounding communities with various services including women’s health, behavioral health, oncology and surgery.

“As the first CommunityWorks hospital in the state of Maine, Cerner is thrilled to support Mayo as it provides improved health services to promote the wellness of this community,” said Mitchell Clark, president, CommunityWorks, senior vice president, Cerner. “Current and future patients will continue to be encouraged to take an active role in their own health and care through Mayo’s improved health services.”

With Cerner’s Clinically Driven Revenue Cycle™ solutions, Mayo clinicians will be able to view clinical and financial data in one patient record. In addition, Mayo will benefit from enhanced documentation that can improve reimbursement and limit claims errors.

About Mayo Regional Hospital
Located in the scenic Maine Highlands Region, Mayo Regional Hospital provides advanced medical services to more than 26,000 residents in Piscataquis and adjacent Penobscot and Somerset counties. Mayo is a 25 bed, nonprofit, critical access hospital staffed with great nursing and clinical support and a team of primary care physicians and specialists including hospital-based inpatient physicians that provide coverage 24/7 (hospitalists), Family Practice, Ear, Nose & Throat, Internal Medicine, OBGYN, Pediatrics, Urology, General Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery and Psychiatry. Mayo’s Emergency Department handled over 10,000 visits last year and its ambulances & EMS responders bring the face of Mayo out into the community often when least expected, but urgently needed.

About Cerner
Cerner’s health technologies connect people and information systems at more than 27,000 contracted provider facilities worldwide dedicated to creating smarter and better care for individuals and communities. Recognized globally for innovation, Cerner assists clinicians in making care decisions and assists organizations in managing the health of their populations. The company also offers an integrated clinical and financial system to help manage day-to-day revenue functions, as well as a wide range of services to support clinical, financial and operational needs, focused on people. For more information, visit Cerner.comThe Cerner Blog or connect on FacebookInstagram, LinkedIn, Twitter or The Cerner Podcast. Nasdaq: CERN. Smarter Care. Better Outcomes. Healthier You.

Media Contact:

Mayo Regional Hospital
James Godley, vice president of human resources and marketing, (207) 564-4340,

Austin Cozzolino, public relations, (816) 786-2154,


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