PM360 Presents the 2017 Innovators

Earlier this year, global consulting firm Accenture announced its plan to open 10 new innovation hubs over the next four years. Julie Sweet, CEO of Accenture’s North American operations, told Fortune that the purpose of these innovations hubs will be to help clients reinvent themselves by leveraging new technologies. “When we talk about innovation it’s very different than before,” Sweet added. “Innovation is the new competitive advantage.”

Pharma and medical device product managers agree. In fact, 41% of respondents to PM360’s 2017 Product Manager Survey wanted their agency and vendor partners to be better at “Ideation.” So, they don’t just want new ideas, they need them.

Yes, innovation in the life sciences industry is never easy as regulatory constraints will always slow things down. But, quite frankly, pharma’s customers don’t care about that. They live in a world in which customization and personalization is made easier in almost every facet of life. They know the technology is available to make it possible, so why can’t pharma deliver like other industries?

Where are the tools that personalize experiences for individual patients and doctors? Where are the companies exploring new ways to leverage technology to improve doctors’ and caregivers’ empathy to patients? Where are the products that allow patients and doctors to better monitor health and arrive at diagnoses in a more convenient fashion? Where are the entrepreneurs working to connect disparate healthcare systems so data and information can more easily be shared?

I’ll tell where all of those things can be found—our below selections for our 6th Annual Innovations Issue. And that is just a small sample of the innovations you will read about. Once again, we received hundreds of submissions for the best innovations this industry has to offer. From those, the PM360 staff chose the best in the following categories:

  • Companies: Any organization developing new ways to push the industry forward.
  • Divisions: New sectors formed to address a particular problem facing the industry.
  • Startups: Companies less than five years old pioneering new avenues in healthcare.
  • Products: Software, apps, programs, and anything else designed to improve how those working in the industry do their jobs.
  • Services: Compelling offerings that help the industry tackle new challenges.
  • Strategies: Never-before-tried approaches that are changing how the industry operates.

So, dive in and learn more about the companies, offerings, and ideas that can provide you with a competitive advantage. Then together you can work to push this industry forward and improve the lives of patients.



Caribou Biosciences, Inc.


Klick Health



Praxis Communications

QoC Health

Squint Metrics LLC

Startupbootcamp Digital Health Miami


Chrysalis (Celgene)

Deloitte Digital’s Life Sciences Agency (Deloitte)

Galderma CareConnect (Galderma Laboratories, L.P.)

Government Policy Systems (TAG MM, a division of The Access Group)

inVentiv Health Communications (INC Research/inVentiv Health)

MedTech (Benchworks)

Precision Xtract (Precision Value & Health)

Primary Intelligence (IQVIA)


Alzeca Biosciences

BioLum Sciences


Data Cubed


HapYak Interactive Video




Memory Labs




Shasqi, Inc.


Audience Identity Manager (DMD)

Confirm Rx™ Insertable Cardiac Monitor (Abbott)

ConnectSource™ (Cardinal Health)

DIFA HCP™ (Crossix Solutions)

Drug Ratings (SERMO)

feedkast (watzan)

Fusion (Lash Group)

Heart for Heart (Sudler & Hennessey)

In My Eyes AR/VR App (Regeneron and Intouch Solutions)

Life Science Analytics Cloud (Saama Technologies)

Matchback Attribution (Semcasting)

NeuroBlot Personalized Memory Test (XVIVOS Biosciences Inc.)

Personology™ (Omnicom Health Group)

Relationship Analytics (Zephyr Health)

ROAM Pull-Through Analytics Suite (MediMedia Managed Markets)

Seismic (Seismic)

Solomon (CMI/Compas)

Spire for Health (Condé Nast)

Synthetic Control Arm (Medidata Solutions)

TrueTargetML & LapsePredictML (Saatchi & Saatchi Wellness)


Account-Based Marketing (Ogilvy CommonHealth Worldwide, a WPP Health & Wellness company)

Commercial Patient Master (LiquidHub)

Co-pay Touchpoints (Fingerpaint)

Experience First (Cello Health Insight)

Global MicroTracker (InCrowd, Inc.)

HubExpress (CoverMyMeds)

MarketView™ Patient Care Team Networks (LexisNexis® Risk Solutions – Health Care)

Merkle Innovation Cloud (Merkle Health)

SMART Content SaaS solutions (viihealth, Inc.)

Wunderman Health AI (Wunderman Health)


Align Biopharma (Veeva Systems)

Health-Specific Domain Names (dotHealth)

Hero Journey (PulseCX)

Innovation Leadership Team (Razorfish Health)

MD Accelerator (Pascale)

Mixed-Reality Live Stage CME Presentation (Confideo Labs)

PeaceWorX (GTO Greater Good)

Popup Star (The Greater Gift, FCBVIO, and Eli Lilly)

ROMI Model (W2O-Sentient)

The Unifying Effect (Dudnyk)


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