PM360 2021 Innovative Company Sharecare


Laura Klein, EVP & GM, Consumer Solutions

Sharecare has been developing and advancing products to help consumers take control of their day-to-day health and live their best lives since its inception in 2010. This year, with the world still grappling with health issues—both physical and mental—against the backdrop of the pandemic, Sharecare furthered its consumer product innovation efforts to make health information more immediate, accessible, and personalized.

One of its newest consumer product innovations is Condition in Motion, an in-depth condition animation experience that engages and educates patients with visually stunning motion graphics with parallax scrolling and 3D anatomy lessons. This robust web journey uses immersive design and education to give patients and caregivers the ability to deep-dive into conditions like never before as consumers respond to interactive video with increased engagement rates across the web and mobile devices—viewers watch them 44% longer than linear video. Sharecare is currently finalizing the development of the first-ever application of this tool for migraines with more conditions launching in 2022.

Another new innovation is Data Behind the Disease, a mobile and web-based solution that takes users on a highly interactive data-driven health education experience. Animated graphics and multi-level maps combine to create immersive, useful content and condition-focused data, maximizing consumer engagement and information retention. According to research, the human brain remembers 80% of what it sees vs. 20% of what it reads. This summer, Sharecare debuted an interactive application for COPD, helping patients see the bigger picture of this disease with relevant statistics, clickable tips for COPD management, interactive maps, and more.

In the nonstop, information-overload media world, Sharecare’s latest offerings help get and keep consumers’ attention in order to help them better understand and navigate their health.


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