PM360 2020 Trailblazer Awards Data/Analytics Initiative Winner CMI Media, Veeva Crossix, and Wavemaker

TV Campaign Measurement/Optimization (CMI Media, Veeva Crossix, and Wavemaker)

Our client has embraced big data and competitive analytics to drive its direct-to-consumer (DTC) marketing strategies for years. This campaign was one of our client’s first prescription medications to invest heavily in television ad spots, in addition to straight digital. Because this decision warranted significant strategy shifts and a larger investment, the team needed to quickly validate its campaign success to leadership. Timely data helped reconcile its marketing research and also illustrated exactly how and when TV reaches the right patients—at precisely the right time of day or night. Diverse patient-level insights were helpful in quickly determining campaign effectiveness by bypassing the lags between requesting the therapy and actually beginning brand treatment.

Ultimately, with the help of in-depth analytics, the brand team was able to validate significant opportunities to further refine TV media by optimizing toward highly relevant audiences. Using health target segments in TV planning enabled the brand to engage the most relevant audience. Their TV campaigns along with research and planning paid off with significant returns.


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