PM360 2019 Trailblazer Awards Gold Advertising Agency of the Year Calcium

Calcium is a rapidly growing agency that doesn’t just deliver leading-edge digital capabilities, it provides “brand nourishment” to its clients in the form of powerful insights and ideas in the areas of strategy, creative, science, technology, and tactical programming.

Calcium’s iconic “Cow” imagery—in concert with the theme of “brand nourishment”—has created a personality and a purpose that the entire agency has unified around. It’s a case of an agency doing what it does best (branding) on behalf of itself. And the result has been an agency with a much clearer sense of who it is and what it needs to deliver.

The 70 Calciumites located throughout Philadelphia, San Francisco, and New York brought in $20 million in revenue last year. They have advanced Calcium’s strategic approach to growth by offering more flexible, customized, and focused project- and account-based solutions to clients at different points of their brand journeys.

Calcium’s people and clients rock!


  • Calcium continuously innovates digital assets that drive transformational customer insights, uncover competitive market intelligence, and help to shape future market dynamics.
  • They’ve released new products and brand strategies surrounding mobile app development and mobile devices QAs as well as custom web analytics.

Talent Development

  • Calciumites of all levels can participate in bi-weekly Nourishment Sessions to learn new disciplines, gain new insights, and be exposed to new ways of thinking that they wouldn’t normally have the chance to experience.
  • Calciumites appreciate the thoughtfulness of an interesting, fresh, and free lunch every day from a number of popular local eateries.
  • Founder and CEO Steven Michaelson believes: As much as the employee helps the agency, the agency helps the employee, so Calcium nourishes every employee by providing the tools, resources, and opportunities that can lead to impactful results.

Social Responsibility

  • The agency is a proud supporter of “The Great American Milk Drive,” an organization dedicated to providing critical nutritional support for Americans in need.
  • Calcium is also a proud supporter, both financially and through promotional work, of the “Haven Kids Rock” program at the Mott Haven Academy Charter School in the South Bronx. This remarkable program educates, inspires, and motivates children from tumultuous backgrounds, including many in the welfare and foster care system, to gain valuable skills that can help them excel in the arts—and in life.


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