PM360 2019 Trailblazer Awards DTP Campaign Winner SUN and Fingerpaint

“A Constant Reminder” (SUN, Fingerpaint)

Patients with plaque psoriasis suffer not only from the stigma and discomfort surrounding the disease, but from the burden of trying numerous treatment options to no avail. As the eighth biologic to hit the plaque psoriasis market, Sun Pharmaceuticals’ ILUMYA needed to stand out from the crowd of treatments. To take on this challenge, Fingerpaint decided to stay away from solution-oriented imagery (which is primarily what you see with competitors), and instead point their efforts toward the problem with the hope of forming an emotional connection with patients.

The “A Constant Reminder” concept was born out of an insight that was heard time and time again when talking to patients and dermatologists across the country: Flakes of dead skin are the signature and stigmatizing expression of plaque psoriasis. They are a constant reminder of patients’ struggles with their disease and the frustration they have with the symptoms. The campaign was designed to tell strugglers that this company “gets” what they’re struggling with on a daily basis.

With the creative idea in hand, Fingerpaint designed a communication plan that served patients at every point in their journey, building TV, traditional print, and digital adds as well as a comprehensive website. The “A Constant Reminder” concept succeeded in creating deep, authentic connections with patients by showing them that ILUMYA understood their struggles.

Launch metrics exceeded Comscore DTC benchmarks, and as a result, online video is currently the top source of traffic for ILUMYA. In the first month after the TV launch, organic traffic increased by 569%, indicating that the change in media strategy was driving an interested audience to seek out brand education. Once the site was launched in conjunction, site engagement (three or more content views per site session) increased by 987%, engagement with video on the homepage earned a 35% completion rate, and patient CRM enrollment increased by 435%. The numbers speak for themselves.


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