PM360 2018 Innovative Startup PeerSourcing Solutions

PeerSourcing Solutions

Maureen Regan, Partner

PeerSourcing Solutions (PSS) is a unique healthcare marketing branding company founded in 2015 by Maureen Regan, Richard Campbell, and Brendan Ward, who had previously founded healthcare advertising agency McCann Regan Campbell Ward (RCW). Additionally, Adam Persing, PhD, is the company’s data scientist, who is charged with developing and managing the analytics component for PSS. Together, the company is working to bring AI to healthcare branding and positioning.

While some use focus groups and physician interviews to help them determine the best branding and positioning, this process is almost always small-scale and highly subjective. PSS is the first company to introduce AI-based branding and positioning into healthcare marketing. Their process develops direction using increased sample sizes, reduces bias and errors, and brings physicians into the heart of the creative process.

The company has introduced two innovative products to the marketplace: The AI Strat Check Platform and PharmAtype Branding. The AI Strat Check Platform validates a draft product positioning by comparing its elements to the behavioral intentions indirectly expressed by 100+ physicians and as uncovered by AI. PharmAtype Branding provides brand concepts with a quantitative difference: They are based on a brand persona that AI has derived from the input of 200+ physicians—and they are conceived by experienced, specially trained pharma creatives.

In July 2018, the company published a paper in Psychology & Marketing demonstrating that ads aligning with a PharmAtype consistently encourage physicians to engage with the content and take action. For example, when looking at a PharmAtype ad, physicians were consistently more agreeable to statements like, “This ad makes me want to prescribe or consider prescribing the product,” and “This ad makes me want to seek samples from my sales rep.”


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