ELITE 2018 Digital Crusader Gilberto Gil of LEO Pharma Inc.

Gilberto Gil

Senior Manager, Consumer Marketing and Digital CoE

LEO Pharma Inc.

Bringing Consumer User Experience to Pharma

Before arriving in pharma, Gilberto Gil was used to innovation without restrictions. For example, while working at Swatch, a popular ’80s watch brand, he was asked to reestablish the brand in the modern world of fashion. To promote the company’s new Lady Double Tour, Gilberto and his team staged a guerrilla fashion show at an after-party during New York City’s Fashion Week that catered to social media fashion influencers. The main attraction: A dress made of Lady Double Tour watches by a designer who works with Lady Gaga. During the show, anyone who tweeted from the audience was given a watch from the dress. Not exactly the kind of campaigns you see in the pharma industry, until Gilberto arrived.

“One of the things I really like about working in a regulated industry is that it challenges me on a creative level to provide the same type of user experiences within a framework that isn’t as blue sky as some other industries,” Gilberto explains. “But the element that really drew me in to pharma: At the end of the day, you’re helping people.”

One of the first initiatives Gilberto pioneered when he joined LEO Pharma was a first-of-its-kind event for the company held in New York City on World Psoriasis Day. Since many psoriasis patients feel embarrassed by their disease, he created a forum they could attend in order to have a safe space where they meet each other and learn more about their disease.

Gilberto has also launched similar campaigns on the digital side. For example, he led the PSO Strong campaign, in which they partnered with several prominent voices within the psoriasis community who were living examples of how you could have this affliction but still find ways to thrive. At its height, the campaign reached around 30,000 Facebook followers, and included live events in collaboration with the National Psoriasis Foundation.

That only scratches the surface of the digital evolution he is leading at the company. He also launched the company’s first programmatic campaign and is currently working on improving the user experience across LEO Pharma’s digital properties, developing a marketing automation project, and focusing on launching more branded social campaigns.


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