Netflix is the one of the many gurus in the world of I Want What I Want When I Want It (IWWIWWIWI). That expression has led media strategists in particular to time, place, screen “strategies” and solutions. But really Netflix, Amazon and a few others are the leaders in predicting or Knowing WIWWIWI.

To crack the “know” requires a combination of predictive analytics AND deep human understanding. Certainly algorithms developed using behavioral data are essential to predicting what we want—oftentimes better than we can articulate or predict ourselves. But here’s the AND…and, these tools must be combined with human understanding to discover the intrinsic motivation that will inspire the solution or the character of the content that needs to be developed.

It’s one thing to figure out the book, the movie, or the restaurant that I’ll like (or need!) and then share/push it to me at the right place, the right time on the right screen. But in health and well-being it’s not as simple. Odds are you’re going to be asking me to change my behavior and do something that I’d rather not do—whether it’s to take a pill by reminding me (as if it’s because I forget), eat properly or worse, exercise by hitting me at the right time, place and or with the right screen. It’s a little harder than knowing I want to watch The Imitation Game. In fact, it’s Knowing WIWWIWI and how to serve it up to me in a way that motivates me. To do that you have to know me—my motivations, my desires, my hopes and by knowing that, how to engage with me in that right moment. And then, use that to inspire ideas—digital, human or otherwise—that move people.

We call this the Essential New Know How (ENKH)!

  • Janet Winkler

    Janet Winkler is Group President of Publicis Healthcare Communications Group. Janet leads a team of inspired professionals who are motivated to drive growth for clients. More than ever that means disrupting the conventional and providing ideas and solutions that leverage technology, insights, data & analytics, and consulting services, and do so in an integrated way.
